April 19, 2011

Cha ching!

Just to keep you up to date with how much the process has cost me so far:

  • 8 professional photos - £10
  • 2 sets of 5 regular passport photos - £10
    • 1 for ACPO
    • 4 for medical (the guide said take 5, the medical practice said bring 3, the doctor used 4!)
    • 1 for x-rays
    • Leaving 4 spare - no doubt they'll be needed for something!
  • Medical - £100
  • Blood tests - £34 (the doctor was very apologetic for this but said they just charge applicants how much it costs them)
  • Postage - £10 (again, she was sorry but said it was one standard cost, no matter if it's just one person or a family, plus it was for registered mail and the package will include my x-ray films)
  • X-rays - £120
  • ACPO - £35 (my passport arrived the other day, so this form has finally been sent off!)
 A grand total of £319 so far and that doesn’t include the actual CIC fees :(

This is excluding my UK passport renewal as I'd be doing that anyway (£77, in case you're interested!)


  1. I really feel for you. I hated all the form filling and medicals etc. which I had to do three years ago. Everyone assumed I was a shoe-in as I had been married to a Canadian for 13 years. Not true. Lots of forms, lots of red tape.

    But you know what, it's worth it and soon it will all seem like nothing when you wake up in Canada every morning. Good luck.

  2. Aww, thanks for your lovely comment.

    I actually don't mind the forms - it's just the practicalities of getting everything pulled together. I *do* wish it was a bit cheaper though!
